Venue: Museu da Imagem e do Som — SP, 2012

A retrospective of the work of writer-director Paul Schrader, one of the most important names of the “New Hollywood”, responsible for important screenplays such as Taxi Driver (1976), directed by Martin Scorsese, and Trágica Obsessão - Obsession (1976), directed by Brian De Palma. Although he got famous as a screenwriter, Paul Schrader has also an extensive filmography as a director, having directed more than 15 films. The retrospective was held in 2012. Paul Schrader was present and gave a masterclass on script, filmmaking and behind the scenes of Hollywood Productions.

Idealização: Carlos Reichenbach
Realização: Museu da Imagem e do Som e Heco Produções
Curadoria: Carlos Reichenbach e Eugenio Puppo
Produção: Matheus Sundfeld e Tharik Faria
Equipe do Museu da Imagem e do Som
Diretor Executivo: André Sturm
Núcleo de Programação: Marcelo Ramalho
Audiovisual: Bruno Café