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Venue: CineSESC — SP, 2017

The exhibit Ozualdo Candeias, Photographs displayed a variety of pictures of directors and movie technicians that worked at Boca do Lixo, a filmmaking neighborhood in São Paulo in the 70’s. Images of people that made history and turned the place into a hit were captured experimenting with a wide-angle lens. The exhibition also showed a selection of movie stills from the film The Margin, elected the best of 1967 by the Brazil National Film Institute. Besides producing films, between the years of 1960 to 2000 Candeias took pictures of the daily routine in Boca using Exakta 50mm and Nikon cameras., capturing a close and spontaneous picture of the cinema of São Paulo at that time.


Curador e produtor executivo: Eugenio Puppo
Expografia: José Silveira
Designer gráfica: Luciana Facchini
Coordenador de produção: Matheus Sundfeld
Assistentes de Produção: Karoline Ruiz, Luisa Caffagni
Tratamento de Imagem: Cédric Fanti, André de Menezes
Revisão de texto: Alexandre Agabiti
Controller: Adriana Macedo
Impressões: Gibo Lab
Molduras: Espaço Digital
Letras Recorte: Watervision

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